
TeRBeLakoN DaLaM DrAMa KoRea~

treeett~ treeettt~
ak pelik tbe2 bunyi nset yg agak asing bg ak
tgk2 nset akak ak tertinggal
ak try cri no husband dia
dia lock lak nset ngn password yg sangat hebat

xboleh berbuat ape2..
lantak kaw lah tertinggal nset

tbe2 mak ak ckp, 'ko pegi la naik moto anto, dia balik naik bas'
naik bas??ak ingt dia balik nek keta husband dia
upenye husband dia anto g bustand je

dan ape lg, ak dgn lincahnya melucut seluar (mcm cite lucah lak)
pakai suo, pakai tudung, terus naik moto tanpa pakai baju!! aarrrgghhh!!
haha! xde la.baju ak xtukar.kan ak cakap lucut seluar je, ngekk~ haha

bas akak ak 4.45, jarum minit jam casio di tgn ak menunjukkan minit ke 40
lg 5 minit je!! demm!! smpat ke ni!
ak pn merempit ke stesen bas dgn hebatnye
potong2 org
bawak laju2 (tp xla laju sgt, 90km/j lebih je) haha
mesti org kata minah ni gile ape
baru lesen L da bawak cm hape

tatkala itu xde bende lain da difikiran ku
ak kene kejar akak ak
berdoa agar bas akak ak xgerak ikut waktu yg ditetapkan

4.48! demm!!
ak da xpk hape lg, cilok2, tbe2 da ade kat bustand
ak mencari2 kelibat akak ak
tidak kelihatan
walaupun ak cari tempat yg dia biasa menunggu
tetap tiada
demm! sekali lg

ak turun moto, sekali lg ak blank!
tp time yg sgt runcing ini ak xbole blank!
ak pk, akak ak nk balik mane?
jb ke kl?
dgn pantas nya neuron2 di otak ak mentransfer info
ak pn cari bas ke jb, xtau dia naik bas cap ape

ak nampak 1 bas ni da nk jalan, bas jb
driver bas tu nampak ak
tanye ape tah
ak tnye dia 'ni bas g jb ke? sy nk cari akak sy jap bole?'
dia pon bukak pintu

ak terus menerpa masuk
sume org tgk ak
memang ak tgh berlakon cite korea ahhh!!
ak pon menjenguk2 cari akak ak.
namun xkelihatan
demm! salah bas ke
ak dgn tibe2 menjerit
sambil menggaru2 dan memusing2kan kepala dengan hebatnya!

mitos je ni~

sambung balik, pas da jenguk, sume org tgk
kalo akak ak ade mesti dia da tgk ak kan
tp xnmpak
ak ckp ngn driver tu, ak nak cari kat bas sebelah jap
sb sebelah pon bas g jb

naik bas sebelah, org ckit.
bas dia da jalan ke
tbe2 ade org ckp ni ha, ni ha
ak tgk akak ak berlari ke arah ak
dia dtg dr arah bas sebelah yg td
dia nampak ak mase ak nak naik bas ke 2 tu
yeah, time ni la pergerakan semua menjadi slow motion
mcm dlm drama korea

akak ak pn ambik terus nset dia
"ko sedar ek, ak xsedar pon" katanya
sambil berjalan, ak menunjukkan ibu jari tanda best kpd driver bas pertama tu dan senyum
selepas sesaat berbuat begitu ak jadi pelik
knp ak buat cm2? bkn patut kene ckp time kasih ke? demm!!

begitulah cerita korea ak berlakon pada hari ini
bukan sahaja drama yg tragik, tetapi juga secara xlangsung ak telah berlakon dalam running man!! haha

tapi kan, ak ni jenis cpt give up
selalunye kalo time cm2 mesti ak da redha je
sejak ak tgk running man, ak asik pk, asal la dia ni xlari laju ckit time ni
asal la sjak awal lg x cari betul2 dgn menggunakan masa se'optimum'nye
asal la...asal la....
so tadi ak telah cuba sedaya upaya menggunakan masa dgn seoptimumnya dan pk yg ak sempat kejar akak ak

ermmm..bagus gak kan tgk running man ni.haha


ak dalam keadaan bengang gileeee skrg ni!
ade sorg pmpn @#$@#@ ni, da menyamar jadi laki
menipu ak bagai
mcm2 da ak sabo dgn dia!!
then ak mintak dvd ak balik
ak bkn baru mintak
ak mintak 2 tahun yg lepas
tah apesal agknye
susa sgt nk pulangkan
pas2 buat alasan tu supaya ak terus cntact dia
ak da sabo 2 tahun!
2 tahun!!
ko kaco ak 2 tahun!!
ko tau kan ak da benci dgn ko!
da xdapat nk maaf kan org cm ko da!
tlg la pulang cerita2 kesayangan ak tu balik laa baciiinnn~~!!
ak mintak baik2 ko buat ak mcm taik
bile ak mintak cara kasar
nak kata mcm2
ak ni ape la, itu la
nk ungkit kisah lame la
nak salahkan ak dia gado ngn balak dia la
balak dia pn xbetol
weh!! yg ko menipu ak tu ade ak asik nk ungkit2 ke
ko tipu ak mcm2 termasuk nyamar jadi laki tu
sampai setahun ade ak ungkit2 ke hah
ak maafkan ko lepas tau ko menyamar jadi laki 2 ade ko pk betape tseksanye ak
ak pegi dr ump ke bangi nek bas sb nak jumpe ko 2 ade ak ungkit2 ke
ko 2 da la xde inisiatif nk jupe ak, bile da ade balak lagi mau belagak dgn ak!
bile kene tinggal balak terkontang kanting nak mintak maaf
bole bla la wey
ni asik nak salahkan ak kata ak berdendam
korang2 yg lain yg bace post ak ni, kalo korang la jadi ak, di tempat ak,
kene tipu setahun
berlakon jadi lelaki
mcm2 lg ditipu
mcm2 lg korg bersabar
pas2 bile jadi kawan
ade balak, terus belagak
ape korang rase ah?
korang rase ni mende kecik je ke?
dia kata ak ni ego, berdendam, padahal mende ni KECIK je!
pehh..ko yg menipu org, ko bole la berlagak cakap ni masalah kecik la ape la!
2 belum lg ko kata ak mcm2 dulu, mental disorder la, kejadah ape lg tah..
ini pompuan byk sewel
dia punya salah dia xfikir lgsung!
asik nak salah kan org lain
asik nak kata ak ni mcm2
xnampak lgsung kesalahan diri!
asik nk berlagak bagus je
kan dah hilang ayu ak post mende2 mcm ni kat blog.haeshhh
ko bace!! ko jd follower ak kn!! ko bace!! ak pijak, kemek terus baru padan!
haha! puas hati lepas ni mesti ak malu sb post bende ni.wakaka~ malunyewww~~

p/s: ko nk kata ak buat keje gile, ko tolong fikir la sape yg buat keje gile sbnrnye, xabis2 dok menyamar jadi laki, amik gambo org lain buat mcm gambo sendiri, dok menipu pmpuan2 dijadikan awek..sape tah kan yg sebenarnye buat keje gile

PaRk HYo ShiN - HwA sHiN (JuSt WiNd)

>>>gile stylo rambut dia time ni..kacak~~


haega jomulmyon bami chaja-odeut
nae sarang ogim obshi chaja-ojyo
koreumboda do bbareun nae ma-eumi
o-neuldo keudaeyege gajyo

ulda utda ulda honja keuritaga
bulgeun ipe saegin nunmullo
geudaereul chi-ujyo

keudae olgureul parabol ttaee-neun
nado mollae keudael ttara tto uttaga
kajil su om-neun ggumin gol algiye
tu nune nunmuri ko-ijyo

inyoni anindeut porigo boryodo
kaseume to gipi saegyojineyo
chogumman boryodo to ma-nhi ssahyoso
jakku geudae ijeul su om-neunde

ulda utda ulda keudae keuritaga
tod om-neun nae insaeng ta ha-neun nal
na pyonhaejil-kkayo

ollugjyo borin nae salme keudaeran saram
taeum saenge kajil-kkeyo

keudae olgureul parabol ttaee-neun
nado mollae keudael ttara tto uttaga
kajil su om-neun ggumin gol alkiye
tu nune nunmuri heureujyo

credit to:kreah


The sun sets, night arrives
My love is only untimely
My heart beats quicker than my footsteps
Today, too, I follow you

I cry, I smile, I cry
One person's lonely thoughts
Using tears
To wipe away your face reflected on the red petals

Gazing dumbly at your visage
I unknowingly smile with you
I though that this is an unattainable dream
And so, my eyes fill with tears

It is not only fate, to give up again and again
Although my heart remembers each parting deeply
A moment of giving up turns into heavy burdens
I can never forget you

I cry, I smile, I cry
My lonely thoughts
My unsettled life
Let me be peaceful for one day

You, who appears in my sporadic life
I will make you mine in the next life

Gazing dumbly at your visage
I unknowingly smile with you
I though that this is an unattainable dream
And so, my eyes fill with tears

PeRGi LaGi

lebih kurang pukul 8.30 pg isnin,12 sept 2011
abang ak paling tua meninggal..
ak penah post pasal abg ak ni dulu..
dulu mcm sakit ape pun ak xpasti..
latest ak tau, kanser tulang..
umo bru 56..

tapi biarlah dia pegi..
drp dia menderita..
xsanggup ak tgk..
ak bercadang nak lawat dia khamis ni..
tapi xsempat pulak..
xdapat cium jenazah...
sb xde org nak bawak balik kelantan n xsempat pun nk g tgk jenazah sb ke kelantan amik mase

mase sakit ritu
dia da sgt kurus..
xley bgn..
bercakap pun xjelas..
xslera makan..
da xberape ingat, ade abg ak yg lain dia xkenal..

ape yg ak paling ingat sal abg ak yg ni..
mase ak pendiam gile kat uma dulu
dia tegur ak tgh mkn...
tanye baru nk makan ke..lbh kurg cm2 r..
mase 2 ak ni seolah2 invisible kat uma tu sb terlalu pendiam
bile abg ak tegur ak cm2, tbe2 ak seronok gile9
gembira xterkata..hehhh..

xsedih?ak sedih.
ak bole gelak2 lagi hari abg ak meninggal xbermaksud ak xsedih
ak nk jadikn ati ak kuat terima mende2 cmni
lgpun ni bkn kali pertama ak ilang ahli keluarga
so xde la mcm terkejut sgt kan
mase baru dapat tau pun
mcm xde perasaan tapi air mata mengalir cm2 je
mcm air paip boco

ak nak jadi kuat
ak try prepare bende2 cmni
lgpun abg ak mmg da sakit
even worst thing,
ak try utk prepare kalo pape jadi kat mak ak
sb ak paling syg mk ak
kalo sal mk ak,
ak bygkan je pon da bole sedih gile2,nangis2
xtau nati ak nk hadapi cane

dulu ak xkuat
even pindah sekola pon ak bole nangis setiap hari sb rindu cikgu2 ak
lemah gile hati ak time 2...

mls nk cite panjang
mls nk luah byk
bia dalam hati je
mcm2 ujian ak terima kblkgn ni
xde mood pon nk menulis
tp mcm da pjg je post ni

>>> abg2 ak


mase ak kat uma sewa busuk yg kat shah alam tu
anak sedara ak, man ade dtg
mase tu dia nk bwk ak gi uma abg ak

bile masuk dlm lif ajaib gile tu
(tlalu kecik, xbetol dan kene keluar secepat mungkin dan berlari2 bile pintu tebukak, kalo x tersepit)
mase tu ak ade bawak hamster sekali dlm beg..
beg free beg UMT, yg slalu kalo ade pameran ke ape dpt free tuhhh
mase tu ade ak, man, n sorg laki ni.xtau bangsa ape.
umah ak 2 hostel bangla, myanmar, dan bangsa2 asing yg lain

mse tgh tunggu2 nak sampai level yg amik mase selama 3 hari tuh,
masing2 buat muke toya naik lif,
ala, mcm dlm drama selalu 2...
pandaaang je depan, dan kaku..

tbe2 ak pon terfikir, kang tbe2 hamster ak men wheel dia kang, mati laaa~
wheel baru dia ni mmg bising gile mcm bunyi buaian besi tuh
xsampai 3 saat ak pk cm2,
tbe2 bunyi!
tu dia..hamster ak start daaahh men wheel dia

dari ekor mata ak nampak bangsa asing 2 dah rase pelik dan nak tgk bawah (dalam beg ak)
ZUPP!!ak cepat2 pandang dia! HAHHHH, ko nk tgk ape!! mcm tu ak xckp pon la..haha..dgn kpala2 ak skali ak dia takut.
dia xsempat tunduk tgk bwh, perasan ak nye kepala teleng tgk dia, dia cepat2 dongak kan kepala tgk atas syiling dgn lajunya!!!hahahahha!!tau kaw takooott~~
ak mmg nak tergelak habis da mase xkn ak nak gelak kan
ak dok senyum je r thn gelak.

bile dia kuar je, pintu tutup, man tegelak habes!
upenye anak sedara ak pon menyaksikan tragedi tu..haha.

Mr SiMpLe~ SuJu

Because I Naughty, Naughty
Hey! I’m Mr. Simple
Because I Naughty, Naughty

SuJu ganda!

sesangi naemam daero andwen dago hwaman naemyeon andwae
geureol pilyo eobtji
geokjeong do palja da jageun ire neomu yeonyeon haji malja
mome johji anha

seong jeogi johat daga nappat daga geureon geoji mwo heung!
shil jeogi ollat daga tteoreo jyeotda geureon ttaedo itji

eojjeo myeon, gwaenchanha, shwieo ganeun geot do joha
modeun geoshi ttae- ttae- ttae- ttae- ttaega itneun geonikka

geudae ga namja ramyeon chingul manna sulhan jane teoreo beorigo
(Alright!) Alright
geudae ga yeoja ramyeon chingul manna suda tteoreo nallyeo beorigo
(Alright!) Alright, Alright

bwara Mr. Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero meotjyeo
bwara Miss Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaero yeppeo (S J Call!)
bwara Mr. Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero meotjyeo
bwara Miss Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaero yeppeo (S J Call!)

gaja gaja eoseo gaja, mak hyeosseul ttaen dora gaja
golchi apa jukget damyeon, oneul haruman nolgo boja

an geurae do geochin sesang, jugeo ra ttwimyeon naman jichyeo
gidaryeo bwa akkyeo dwo bwa, neoye nari god ol tenikka

Blow Your Mind! gara Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind! ttaega wat janha duryeo wo malgo
Blow Your Mind! gaja Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind! ttaega wat janha junbi dwaet janha

soksseok neun iri handu gaji anin sesange urin sara
geugeon aedo ara

mwo ireohke eoryeob na uri jal meokgo jal jago tto jal hamyeon
geureohke hamyeon dweji

geudae ga hwaga namyeon chingul manna dwet dam hwaro pureo beorigo
(Alright!) Alright
geudae ga gwerob damyeon norae bulleo sori jilleo nallyeo beorigo
(Alright!) Alright, Alright

bwara Mr. Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero meotjyeo
bwara Miss Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaero yeppeo (S J Call!)
bwara Mr. Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero meotjyeo
bwara Miss Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaero yeppeo (S J Call!)


jayuran ge mwo geuri byeolgeo itna, Just Get It Get It
soso han iltal ye jaemi, dung dung dung, kung kung kung
sara itneun geudael neukkigo shipna, Just Grab It Grab It
gaseum ttwineun nae kkumdeul ye yaegi, dung dung dung, kung kung kung

(Because I Naughty, Naughty)

ije geokjeong hajima, apen joheun nari ol geoya
shimgak han yaegin da dwiro mirwo dugo

oneureun balkge useobwa
geudae ye hwanhan useume modu gibun joha jyeo

bwara Mr. Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero meotjyeo
bwara Miss Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaero yeppeo (S J Call!)
bwara Mr. Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero meotjyeo
bwara Miss Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaero yeppeo (S J Call!)

gaja gaja eoseo gaja, makhyeosseul ttaen dora gaja
golchi apa jukget damyeon, oneul haruman nolgo boja

an geurae do geochin sesang, jugeo ra ttwimyeon naman jichyeo
gidaryeo bwa akkyeo dwo bwa, neoye nari god ol tenikka

Blow Your Mind! gara Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind! ttaega wat janha duryeo wo malgo
Blow Your Mind! gaja Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind! gara Mr. Simple

credit to snsdlyrics


Because I’m naughty, naughty
Hey! I’m Mr. Simple
Because I’m naughty, naughty

Here comes SuJu

You can’t just get angry ‘cause the world
Is not going the way you want it to be
You don’t need to
Stop worrying over little things
It’s not good for your health

Grades go up and down, that’s just how it is heung!
Performances go up and down, it happens all the time
Sometimes it’s okay to just chill and take a break
‘Cause there’s always the right time for everything

If you’re a guy
Drink up with your friends and forget about it
(Alright!) Alright
If you’re a girl,
Chat it up with your friends and forget about it
(Alright) Alright, alright

Look Mr. Simple, Simple
You’re great the way you are
Look Miss Simple, Simple
You’re beautiful the way you are (S J call!)
Look Mr. Simple, Simple
You’re great the way you are
Look Miss Simple, Simple
You’re beautiful the way you are (S J call!)

Let’s go, let’s go, let’s turn around if there’s a dead end
If you’re too stressed, let’s take a break and just chill all day
I’m only going to be exhausted if I keep sprinting in this rough world
Wait and save up your energy, because your day will come soon

Blow your mind Mr. Simple
Blow your mind, the time has come, don’t be scared
Blow your mind, go Mr. Simple
Blow your mind, the time has come, you’re ready

Even a kid knows that we’re living in a world of dilemmas
Why is it so hard?
All we need to do is eat well, sleep well, and do well

If you’re pissed,
Gossip about your friends and forget about it
(Alright) alright
If you’re frustrated,
Shout and scream a song and forget about it
(Alright) alright, alright

Look Mr. Simple, Simple
You’re great the way you are
Look Miss Simple, Simple
You’re beautiful the way you are (S J call!)
Look Mr. Simple, Simple
You’re great the way you are
Look Miss Simple, Simple
You’re beautiful the way you are (S J call!)


What’s the big deal about freedom? Just get it, get it
Have some fun with aberration, dung-dung-dung kung-kung-kung
Do you want to feel alive? Just grab it, grab it
My stories that are beating, dung-dung-dung kung-kung-kung

(Because I’m naughty-naughty)
Don’t worry anymore, the good day will come
So forget about serious matters
Just smile today, because your smile makes everyone happy

Look Mr. Simple, Simple
You’re great the way you are
Look Miss Simple, Simple
You’re beautiful the way you are (S J call!)
Look Mr. Simple, Simple
You’re great the way you are
Look Miss Simple, Simple
You’re beautiful the way you are (S J call!)

Let’s go, let’s go, let’s turn around if there’s a dead end
If you’re too stressed, let’s take a break and just chill all day
I’m only going to be exhausted if I keep sprinting in this rough world
Wait and save up your energy, because your day will come soon

Blow your mind, go Mr. Simple
Blow your mind, the time has come, don’t be scared
Blow your mind, let’s go Mr. Simple
Blow your mind, go Mr. Simple

Translation Credits: theblackcat1236

TaT oohh TaT~

raye ni, ak ingt sorg mamat ni dtg le braye uma ak ke.
wpun ak xnk jupe disebabkan dia ske kueh tat, ak bercadang mbeli kalo2 dia jadi dtg uma.
n kalo dia dtg uma, ak nk bg perfume yg ak beli tok dia..perfume tiruan je pon~haha

dijadikan cerita, ak pon ckp la kat mak ak, ak nk beli kuih tat..
sekali tgk mak ak gi cakap kat jiran ak teringin mkn kuih tat, kirim jiran ak beli kuih.
ble mak ak beli 2 ak rase la ckit.pas2 akak ak lak tbe2 bwk balik lg kuih tat..
lepas 2 lak jiran ak yg lain bg lg kuih tat..aje gile~

mkin gile bile mamat 2 xjd dtg pon..aduhhlaaa~
ak da la xske kuih ak ingt ak teringin mkn lak..da mati le ak kene mkn kuih tat ni sampai rase loya.
moral of the story : jgn beli kuih tat kalo xsuke mkn~bahayeee

NeW SoNg

New song..composed by me..without any rhythm.haha..
just for you..sincerely from my heart..

even you smiling and happy
i know your heart hurt about past love
though you never say it
i could see clearly

i want to heal your wounds
i want to make you happy
i really like you
i love you

i want to hold you and wait
standing by your side all the time
making you happy
lend shoulder for you to cry on

but it seems i'm not the one for you
I've got rejected again and again
there's someone else who could wavering your heart
someone whose better than me

and i can't hold you any longer
my heart hurts
it couldn't stand the pain anymore
thinking of you
my tears always shed

i'm sorry
all i can do now is leaving you
leaving you with her
forgetting you isn't easy
but i'll try

good bye my love
hoping that you'll be happy with her
its been very difficult for me
but i'll try to calm my heart saying that
as long as you happy, i'll be happy too

Lee Seung Gi - Let's Break Up


nuga naege geureodeora
urin jal eoullindago
urin jal mannan georago geuraettji
nuga naege geureodeora
urin yeongweonhalgeorago
geurae geuddaeneun geurattji
lie lie lie lie lie
da geojitmal
lie lie lie lie lie
lie lie lie lie lie
uri heyeojija geuman mannaja
gakkeum seulpeojyeodo chueoge utja
majimak neol wihae i malbakke
hal su eobgie
moreuncheok anincheokhamyeo
uri ijen geureohge salja
nuga naege geureodeora chueogeun areumdabdago
geurae geuddaeneun geuraettji
lie lie lie lie lie
da geojitmal
lie lie lie lie lie
lie lie lie lie lie
uri heyeojija geuman mannaja
gakkeum seulpeojyeodo chueoge utja
majimak neol wihae
i malbakke hal su eobgie
moreuncheok anincheokhamyeo
uri ijen geureohge salja
jeongmal haengbokhaettdeon shigan
manyang utgimanhan sun gan modu neoyege julkke
lie lie lie lie lie
nunmureun naega
lie lie lie lie lie
ddeonaneun nega useul su ittge
neomaneul wihaeseo sara wattgie
geu nuguboda deo neoreul algie
ijen bonaeyahae nareul ddeona haengbokhaeyahae
nawaui sarang gatheun geon modu itgo
geureohge salja
geureohge salja


Someone told me that we're compatible
That we've met well
Someone told me that we'll last forever
But that was then

Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie
It was all a lie
Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie
Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie
Now. Let's break up

Let's not meet again
Even if sometimes we're sad
We can only smile at the memories
Lastly,I've nothing else for you except this
Let's live in pretense and denial from now on

Someone told me that memories are beautiful
But that was then
Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie
It was all a lie
Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie
Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie
Now. Let's break up.

Let's not meet again
Even if sometimes we're sad
We can only smile at the memories
Lastly,I've nothing else for you except this
Let's live in pretense and denial from now on

Like the happiness we once had
I'll leave all the happiness with you
Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie
All the tears
Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie
I'll take it away
So that you'll be able to smile

I've always lived for you
I know you better than anyone else
Now I'll have to send you off for your own happiness
Forgetting the love we have shared
Let's live like that
Let's live like that

MaHeR ZaiN - InSHaAllah

tbe2 ak bkk utube, cari lagu ni..

slame ni dengo gitu2 je, insyaallah2.

ni ble ak dengo betul2, tbe2 air mata mengalir dengan lajunyaaa...nangis2..

tbe2 rase sayu...mmg menyentuh perasaan la lagu ni..

ak selalu buat benda2 bodo selame ni..haihh...

Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
That your so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can’t see which way to go
Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way

Everytime you commit one more mistake
You feel you can’t repent
And that its way too late
Your’re so confused, wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame

Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way

Turn to Allah
He’s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray

OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don’t let me go astray
You’re the only one that showed me the way,
Showed me the way x2
Insyaallah x3
Insya Allah we’ll find the way


ak rase sunyi...
no frens, no bf, no family...
sume tadak..

dok umah pon sorg2 je slalu..
nak balik muar ke,balakong ke,pnt, mls..
dengan ak suke laki, mesti laki 2 jadi xsuke ak..
org yg lame ak suke, tunggu, xkan suke ak..

mkin lame perasaan ni makin teruk..
mkin terukk...makin terukk..
sampai ak rase takut utk berbual dengan ramai org..
sampai ak rase nak lari kan diri drp berbual..
self-esteem yg turun mendadak..

pulak 2 ade org komen sal rupe ak..rmbut ak...
my rival pulak cantik..

makin lame ak makin xbest..
bile xbest org malas layan...
makin down....
makin down..........
sampai nak larikan diri dr idop nak lari ke mane je kan...
tpakse hadapi...

tambah lak stress dgn kerja...kerja yg bosan dan ak xminat..
bile da tlalu stress, sunyi, gi la jalan2 sorg2...mkn kfc,mcd sorg2 (bzir duit)..
gi jalan2 kat tasik sorg2..release sikit rasenye...
pas2 ble tkurung je malas nk kuo jadi stress balik..
pk mcm2..nangis sorg2.....
kalo lame2 cmni bole jadi gileee...
HAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...(ni bkn mjerit, ni mengeluh.nak jerit pon da xde smangat)

many years i try to love myself,when many people said i should love my self first..
but until now, i could'nt find any strong reason to love this hidayah..(tbe2 selit bhse omputih jap)

mgkin ak perlu belajar ak selalu rase menghargai ape yg ak ade bile ak bersama kwn2 or family..tapi ni ak asik sorg2 je..mmgla rase 2 xmuncul2...

rindu time kat ump.time ak dgn roomate2 ak..kat ump ak rapat ngn roomate..
ni kalo balik ump balik pon, roomate da xde..rindunye kat diorggggg~ T.T

Geisha – Cinta dan Benci

lagu ni mule2 dengo xsdap..

tp disebabkan lirik dia gedebuk kene batang idung ak, sbijik mcm yg ak alami, mmg sesuai la dgn ak, dengo byk2 kali, jadi best..ak ske lirik dia..

susa nak nyanyi lagu ni.kdg2 nyanyi lagu korea lg senang~haha

bagaimana cara membuatmu bahagia
nyaris ku menyerah jalani semua
tlah berbagai kata ku ungkap percuma
agar kau percaya cintaku berharga

tak kuat ku menahanmu, mempertahankan cintaku
namun kau begitu saja, tak pernah merindu

sungguh aku tak bisa, sampai kapanpun tak bisa
membenci dirimu, sesungguhnya aku tak mampu
sulit untuk ku bisa, sangat sulit ku tak bisa
memisahkan segala cinta dan benci yang ku rasa

apa kau mengerti ku sedih sendiri
tanpa ada kamu ku merasa sepi

tlah lama ku menantimu, diam sendiri menunggu
setengah hati mencinta, ku sakit karenamu

repeat reff

woo ooo ku sakit karenamu

sulit untuk ku bisa, sangat sulit ku tak bisa
memisahkan segala cinta dan benci

sungguh aku tak bisa membenci dirimu
sesungguhnya aku tak mampu
sungguh aku tak bisa, sampai kapanpun tak bisa
memisahkan segala cinta dan benci ooo
cinta dan benci ooo yang ku rasa


"Nafsu mengatakan wanita cantik atas dasar rupanya,
akal mengatakan wanita cantik atas dasar ilmu dan kepandaiannya,
dan hati mengatakan wanita cantik atas dasar akhlaknya"


da lame gile xmengupdate blog..
sibuk bekerja~ haha
da macam blog tinggalan..
da xde org tgk da rasenye blog ni.gahaha~
tapi skrg ak da de berukband..
so maybe pasni ak akn merajinkan diri utk mengupdate blog..

iNFo 3: TiPs MeNCeRaHKaN WaJaH

anda ingin memutih kan kulit wajah? mencerah kan muke?
pair and lobely tidak berkesan malah mengundang jerawat??
garniot membuatkan muke panas dan berminyak??

disini saya ingin berkongsi pengalaman saya.

saya dahulu nye ketika kanak2 sangat gelap.
tetapi kini! kulit wajah sy bertambah cerah.
apakah rahsianya?
dibawah adalah gambar saya sebelum dan selepas mengamalkan tips tradisional utk memutih kan muka.
perbezaan yg ketara!

sebelum selepas

caranya mudah, berkesan dan tidak memerlukan kos!
hanya memerlukan sedikit tenaga.
kisahnya begini..
ketika kecil saya bersama kakak saya sedang bermain2..
kami terjumpa 1 rahsia utk memutihkan kulit!
sesuatu yg berwarna putih dan hitam berhampiran dengan tingkap.
saya bertanya kpd kakak saya, apakah benda tersebut.
kakak sy pon menjawab, "bedak laa.."
mmg kelihatan seperti bedak yg berwarna putih itu.
maka, kami pun mengambil bedak itu dan menyapu2 di pipi kami.
setiap kali terjumpa, kami akan memakai bedak itu.
terasa lembut dan licin kulit kami.
malah, kulit kami bertambah cerah kini.
anda juga boleh mencuba.
hanya perlu sedkit tenaga utk mencari.
untuk rujukan anda, benda itu kelihatan seperti ini:

selamat mencuba!!
ukurlah sendiri~

Lee Seung Gi - White Lie

tbe2 je rase cm lagu ni sdp..hehe...


Gabeoryeo neoran saram jikyeoweo
Jebal ulji malgo geunyang tteonaga
Neoreul saranghaetttan mal modu geojinmariya
Jigeum garal ttae geunyang ga
Nan nega aldeon joheun sarami anya
Bojalgeoseomneun hanshimhan geureon saramiya
Ije neoreul tto dashi ullil suneun eopjjana
Na ttaemune jebal ulji jom ma

Jeongmal mi-anhaeyo na gateun saram saranghaeseo
Mani himdeureotjjana mweo hana jalhae jun geo eopjjana
Ige na-eyo sarang hana jikijido motago
Geudael tteonabonaeyo

Charari shilkeot yogirado hae jebal
Jigeumkkeot neoreul gosaengman shikin namjanikka
Neo-ui gajogegedo tteottteotage boyeojul
Meotjjin saram mannagireul barae

Jeongmal mi-anhaeyo na gateun saram saranghaeseo
Mani himdeureotjjana na ttaemune mani ureotjjana
Ige na-eyo sarang hana jikijido motago
Geudael tteonabonaeyo
Gomaweoyo I monnan nal saranghaejweoseo
Geudae saranghamyeonseo jedaero salgo shipeosseunikka
Saranghaesseoyo budi joheun saram manna nal itkko
Haengbokage sarajweo

credit to alexandra_feaa


Just go, I’m tired of people like you
Please don’t cry and just leave

It was all lies when I said I loved you
Just go when I tell you to

I’m not the good person you knew
I’m a meaningless, unfortunate sort of person

I can’t make you cry again now
So please don’t cry because of me

I’m so sorry that you had to love someone like me
It was hard for you, I wasn’t able to do anything for you

This is me, unable to protect a single love
And sending you off

Instead just curse plentifully, please
Up until now I’m a man who only made you suffer

I ask that you meet someone amazing
Who can show his best side to your family as well

I’m so sorry that you had to love someone like me
It was hard for you, I wasn’t able to do anything for you

This is me, unable to protect a single love
And sending you off

Thank you, for loving this horrible person
As I loved you I wanted to live properly

I loved you, please meet a good person and forget me
Live happily


korang ade prasan pape yg baru yg menarik gile9 kat blog ak x?
yg kalo tgk, ah!waaaaaa~~!!
pas2 hari2 pon nk bukak blog ak..cube carik!cube carik!

hint: sbelah kiri bawah

PeMBuBaRan BLoG TeRPeNtiNg di DuNia

lepas ni da xnk update blog.
blog ni akn dimusnahkan.
ak bakal mjadi pempuan MISTERI~~~misteri~~~misteri~~~
huuuuuu~ miiiisssss.....teeerrr....rriiiiii~~


baru2 ni ak tgk cite shining!
cite ni da lame la jgk..ak pnh tgk kat tv tgk da nk ujung2, so xpaham pon cite dia sal ape...
cite ni sweet~ kalo la dpt pkwe cm seung ki..hehe..
dlm cite 2, bile tgk part bpk dia yg memalsukan kematian jumpe balik pompuan 2, ak pon bygkan bpk ak balik cm dlm cite 2...
bile bygkan 2, ak rase mmg ak akn peluk bpk ak kot..rindu gile kot..
pas2 ak nk ngade2 dgn bpk ak mcm org lain ngade2 dgn bpk dia..
dulu ak siap jeles tgk kwn ak manje dgn bpk ak ngn bpk ak xcm2 pon.
dulu2, ak ni kn blagak n ego ckit kn(skrg pon same sbnrnye~)
seingat ak, ak xpnh ckp kt bpk ak ak syg dia.kt mk ak pon.apetah lg peluk bpk ak..xpnh raye ade kot..dok rapat2 pon xde.
da 2 jrg gile bckp..diam bpk ak grg.hehe..
mse kecik2 ak mmg rapat gile dgn bpk ak.manje..ank bongsu kn..msti kne gedik n ngade~
bile nangis je panggil "abaaaahhh...abahhhh.."
mse kecik2 mk ak yg tumbuk2 n cili2 mulut..hehe.bile beso sikit bapak ak lak yg garang...
ak ingt lg, bile bapak ak msuk hspital, kalo ak nangis, ak nngs smbil pgg gambo bpk ak..
bpk ak, dr ak kcik asik kuo masuk, kuo masuk hsptl..
tp mmg pjg umo gk r bpk ak..smpai 80 lbh..dgn eksiden kaki patah, jari patah, ade yg jatuh pokok, leher terbenam, stroke/lumpuh sblah badan, sakit jntung, tp ley sihat balik..
balik kpd cerita asal, ak mmg ngade gile r mse kalo nngs je bpk ak yg pujuk ak.
bile da beso, bpk ak grg, ak tkt r dgn bpk ak..
mkin mjauh kn dri dr dia..nk mtk pape pon, ak ckp kt mk ak, suh mk ak ckp kt bpk ak..
bile da beso, cm sume org tau, ak ni pmls gile2..
smpai 1 tahap 2, ak tdengo r bpk ak kata kt mak ak, dia benci tgk ak..
sedih gk r time 2..
dulu bpk ak sllu puji2 akak ak time akak ak g m3x..mse 2 mmg 10sion r sb asik dibanding2 kn...
yela.pmls n dgil kan..mmg patot pn kalo bpk ak benci ak..
bile ak dengo dia kata dia benci ak, ak pon ngamuk r.haha! mk bpk ak xtau pon ak diorg pon pelik knp ak mengamuk tibe2.sewel agknye budok nie~
dan ak pon teruskan dgn amukan ak 2.pas2 ak da xingt da ape jd.haha~
tp diakhir2 cerita ak ni, sbnrnye bpk ak syg ak ak ckp bpk ak syg kat wallet dia sntiasa ade gmbo ak mse budak2.gmbo akak ak xde pon.wakaka~ padan~

cm cte drama x? haha..
idop kite ni mmg cm cite drama pon..
drama yg kite boleh ubah skripnye...
drama yg kite boleh ubah jalan ceritanye..
drama yg kite sndri jadi hero/heroine nye..(akhirnye ak jd heroiiinnee~!!haha.sewel!)

STaRtiNg NoW I LoVe You - ♥ Lee Seung Gi ♥ ^^


saranghae gaseumsoge chaoreuneun mal
saranghae cheonbeoneul deo hago sipeun mal
yeotae haejun jeok eobseoseo deo manhi jugopeun
ojik neoegeman haejugo sipeun mal

sarangeul mollasseo geuttaeneun
nugungareul gyeote dundaneun iri
natseolgodo duryeoun nayeotji

ijeya arasseo neoran sarangeul
anirago jakku mireonaeneun nal
mideojwotdeon gomaun neoyeotji

jigeum waseo boni chueokdo manteora
geuge saranginjul jeongmal mollasseo

saranghae gaseumsoge chaoreuneun mal
saranghae cheonbeoneul deo hago sipeun mal
yeotae haejun jeok eobseoseo deo manhi jugopeun
ojik neoegeman haejugo sipeun mal

ijeneun jikilge uri sarangeul
seotureodo babo gata boyeodo
neobakke moreuneun namjanikka

bujokhan sarange manhi himdeureotji
jogeum neujeotjiman gihoe jugenni

saranghae gaseumsoge chaoreuneun mal
saranghae cheonbeoneul deo hago sipeun mal
yeotae haejun jeok eobseoseo deo manhi jugopeun
ojik neoegeman haejugo sipeun mal

jichin haruharu beogeowotdeon na
neoran saram manna cham dahaengiya
gaseum ttwineun hanmadi

saranghae gaseumsoge chaoreuneun mal
saranghae cheonbeoneul deo hago sipeun mal
yeotae haejun jeok eobseoseo deo manhi jugopeun
ojik neoegeman haejugo sipeun mar

TRANSLATION credit: ZexuBobs@youtube + princessoftea@wordpress

I love you, words from the bottom of my heart
I love you, words that I would like to say again a thousand times
Until now I haven’t give you anything.
So I want to give you more now
Words which I would like to tell only to you

Back then, I don’t know about love
Staying by the side of someone
I’m both unfamiliar and scared
In this kind of thing

Only now, I understand love
Those days which I always push you away
I said that it wasn’t love between us
Thanks for the trust you have given me

Looking back now, there are lots of memories
I really didn’t know that was actually love

I love you.
Words from the bottom of my heart

I love you, words from the bottom of my heart
I love you, words that I would like to say again a thousand times
Until now I haven’t give you anything.
So I want to give you more now
Words which I would like to tell only to you

From now onwards, I will defend our love
Even if it’s simple-minded
Even if I will look like a fool
Because I’m the guy who only see you

You must be tired of this incomplete love
Although it’s a bit late, will you give me a chance?

I love you, words from the bottom of my heart
I love you, words that I would like to say again a thousand times
Until now I haven’t give you anything.
So I want to give you more now
Words which I would like to tell only to you

I, who is tired every day,
Will be really glad to be able to meet you
And say these words that make you feel touched

I love you, words from the bottom of my heart
I love you, words that I would like to say again a thousand times
Until now I haven’t give you anything.
So I want to give you more now
Words which I would like to tell only to you


meluat ngn sorg mamat ni
hampir2 memaafkan dia
n lupe cite lame
then kemeluatan kembali lg
ble taw dia 2 xserik n xsedo2 pon
cm desperate gile
sibuk ngorat kwn ak lak
kalo kwn ak 2 xbetol cm dia ak xkisa
lantak pi r
ni kwn ak 2, dak bek kot,nk sentuh sikit pon xley
perasaan benci dulu datang balik
sbelom ni ak anggap dia xwujud
n ingat dia sedar la sikit
org cm dia ni mmg ak xmafkan smpai bile2 rasenye
mampus kaw r
taw da prgai cmni
jgn harap ak balas msg or pape lg wpun sepatah
xde da kesian2
kesian ritu pon sb ingt da serik
upe2nye dok..
kpd mamat desperate 2,
xpyh la sibok2 bace blog ak da wey
ak xske r
n xpayah nk komen2
i dont like, u know~ (cakap bajet cm org kl sbijik cm gaya ex-gf dia)


Cita2 ak yg terbaru=====> jadi pelakon!
kalo org dengo mesti kene gelak n rase pelik n rase xlogik..
bak kata "aaron aziz", ak ni keras, kalo belakon jadi pokok bole laaa~
tp tah la.kblakgn ni mmg tbe2 rase minat gle2 lak nk blakon..
ckp sal blakon, dulu mse kecik2 kat sekola rendah ak ade msuk cm ape je..
pas2 lak, mse form4, ade ptndingan..
nynyi lagu jaclyn victor,wajah, yg dlm cite bersamamu 2 laaa.
nyanyi beramai2 la..ade bape org tah ak xingt.
pas2 ak cadangkan r, sorg belakon jadi cacat..
ak ckp je..ak kn suke cakap, bajet byk ckp cm mk cik joyah.
pas2 kwn2 ak sebulat suara, "ha, ko dayah!ko sesuai blakon jadi cacat"
xpasal2 lak ak yg kene.termakan diri sendri.
so kiteorg practice..
ak blakon jadi cacat, jatuh2 kusi, mengengsot2,pas2 try nk duduk kat kusi balik, pas2 jatuh balik.
byk2 kali practice, mmg melecet r lutut ak time 2.
pas2..time psembahan..wt dpn dak2 sekola kot..time 2 pkwe ak pon de tgk.
bile time lirik "berkali tersungkur, pandangan mu kabur", GEDEBUK! ak jatuh dr kusi...haha!
merangkak2 dgn muke pnuh penderitaan..time 2 sume org gelak.ak tgk cikgu2 ak yg kt dpn yg jadi juri pon gelak ak control, sambung balik wt muke menderita ak 2 sambil ngengsot2..
men jatuh2, pas2 last2 dapat la org cacat ni dok atas kusi 2 balik dgn usaha yg xputus2..
da dpt dok 2 mmg slmbe je ak jalan ngn kusi melekat kat punggung tekedek2 g belakang..time 2 pon kene gelak, lagu yg menyayat ati 2 jd lagu last2 kiteorg menang jgk~haha!
sbnrnye cita2 ak ni byk.mcm2 ak nk da tgk cite korea ni mmg terpengaruh r nk jadi pelakon.xpon jadi ahli baru suju@mblaq@shinee@SNSD..heheh..best2~
brangan mmg best.btol2 xdpt lahhh~

DReaMiNg (DReaM HigH OST) - KiM So0 HyuN yg CoMel~

yaaaa~~ak sgt2 suke nyanyi lgu ni..xtaw best je bile nyanyi..


저 멀리 희미해지는 나의꿈을 바라보며 멍하니 서있었죠
더 이상 남은게 없어 모두 포기할까 했었지만
다시 일어나요

한 걸음 한 걸음 오늘도 조심스럽게 내딛어요
가슴 가득히 두려움과 설레임을 안은 체
비틀거리고 흔들려도 난 또 한걸음을 내딛어요
언젠가 만날 내 꿈을 향해

이대로 끝내는건 아닐지
두려움이 날 자꾸만 망설이게 하지만
가슴속 깊은 곳에서
멈추지 않은 울림이 날 앞으로 이끌죠

한 걸음 한 걸음 오늘도 조심스럽게 내딛어요
가슴 가득히 두려움과 설레임을 안은 체
비틀거리고 흔들려도 난 또 한걸음을 내딛어요
언젠가 만날 내 꿈을 향해

한 걸음 한 걸음 오늘도 조심스럽게 내딛어요
가슴 가득히 두려움과 설레임을 안은 체
비틀거리고 흔들려도 난 또 한걸음을 내딛어요
언젠가 만날 내 꿈을 향해

언젠가 만날 내 꿈을 향해


Jeo meolli hweuimi haejineun
Naeui kkumeul barabomyeo
Meonghani seoisseotjyo

Deo isang nameun ge eopseo
Modu pogi halkka haesseotjiman
Dashi ireonayo

Han georeumhan georeum oneuldo
Joshim seureobge nae didyeoyo
Gaseum gadeukhi duryeo umgwa
Seolleimeul aneun chae

Biteul georigo heundeullyeodo
Nan tto han georeumeul nae didyeoyo
Eonjenga mannal nae kkumeul hyanghae

Idaero kkutnaneun geon anilji
Duryeoumi nal jakkuman
Mangseorige hajiman

Gaseumsok giteun goseseo
Meomchuji anhneun ullimi nal
Apeuro ikkeuljyo

Han georeumhan georeum oneuldo
Joshim seureobge nae didyeoyo
Gaseum gadeukhi duryeo umgwa
Seolleimeul aneun chae

Biteul georigo heundeullyeodo
Nan tto han georeumeul nae didyeoyo
Eonjenga mannal nae kkumeul hyanghae

Han georeumhan georeum oneuldo
Joshim seureobge nae didyeoyo
Gaseum gadeukhi duryeo umgwa
Seolleimeul aneun chae

Biteul georigo heundeullyeodo
Nan tto han georeumeul nae didyeoyo
Eonjenga mannal nae kkumeul hyanghae

Eonjengan mannal nae kkumeul hyanghae

English Translation

I was looking at my dream that is being deemed far away,
And I was standing blankly.
I don’t have anything left any more
I thought about giving up everything, but….
I am standing up again

Even today step by step,
I step forward carefully
My heart is full of fears
but it’s an excitement I’m embracing
I am staggering and shaking
But, I step forward towards…
the dream that I am going to meet some day.

As I’m thinking if it’s going to end like this,
A fear constantly comes.
I’m hesitating but….
Deep inside my heart,
There’s an unstoppable beating.
that drags me forward.

Even today step by step,
I step forward carefully
My heart is full of fears
but it’s an excitement I’m embracing
I am staggering and shaking
But, I step forward towards…
the dream that I am going to meet some day.

Even today step by step,
I step forward carefully
My heart is full of fears
but it’s an excitement I’m embracing
I am staggering and shaking
But, I step forward towards…
the dream that I am going to meet some day.

Towards the dream that I am going to meet some day.