
Blood Type 3

TYPE A is the good student. They try not to upset order; they dislike disruption and confrontation, and as a result try to stick to rules as much as possible and do things perfectly. They are reliable and have great tolerance and endurance. With a tendency to overanalyze, they are worrywarts and fret about things that might go wrong if things aren’t done properly. Because they don’t want to upset anyone, they take many people’s opinions into consideration so they are mostly regarded as the most kind and nice. However, this trait means they wind up being quite slow at making decisions. When coming upon an unknown bridge, they would take time to make sure anything and everything is 100% safe before crossing. Although usually introverts, there is the occasional extrovert with great leadership qualities who has managed to externalize the “serve others” attitude. Paying much attention to other peoples’ emotions means they are quite acute to their own feelings, which get easily hurt. Despite being very understanding, when greatly hurt they don’t forgive nor do they forget.
TYPE B is the egomaniac. Extremely self-centered and unabashed about it, they have strong belief systems and also have the skills and charisma to convince others. They are adventurous, full of curiosity and despite being initially suspicious, make friends quite quickly and easily. They rarely have the perseverance to plan things out and usually do things as they feel or on a whim. Being tied down to anything is one of their greatest fears, and “freedom” is hailed as an important motto. They are frequently accused of being playboys and commitment-phobes. Being bored is another great fear and they will continuously come up with creative ideas and things to do. They have to be amused and interested in something at all times and will show tremendous concentration in things that interest them, but will thoughtlessly dismiss anything uninteresting to them. Quick to make decisions, also quick in reading other people – they sometimes show amazing insight to other people’s characters and might be called “mindreaders”. They always have to say what’s on their mind and as a result, make as many enemies as friends. They forgive and they forget – sometimes they forget too much.
TYPE O is the class clown. The one to make any room brighter, they thrive on the attention and smiles of others. Happy-go-lucky, cheerful, very friendly, and also very practical, they have a competitive streak that shows off their determination. They are greedy in work, in love, almost everything. They have distinct boundaries and stick to them: they rarely mix work with pleasure, although to the less observant it might not seem so. Even though they might seem clumsy, details rarely escape them and they’re often gifted with good memory. They’re most likely to go over the top at any occasion and are often the organizers of parties and get-togethers. Once they put their mind to something they diligently carry it out and rarely get distracted. They have a great sense of justice and are good at categorizing and prioritizing in a haphazardous way. Because they usually are immensely cheerful in nature, once they get mad they get scary mad. They cannot endure loneliness so they tend to trust people wholeheartedly and when that trust is broken they fall into great despair. They are willing to forgive but will never, ever, forget.
TYPE AB is the riddle. The loner, the enigma, the one who marches to a different drummer. Very analytical and observant, but also very detached, they rarely make their feelings known voluntarily and even when asked, will reply with a vague and unclear answer. They don’t care about what others think of them and might be considered anti-social, but oddly enough, they work extremely well in social settings and are quite willing to aid others. Living in a world of their own, they might not differentiate between their self-created world and the actual world around them but this rarely affects their everyday life. (It mostly affects those around them.) The meaning of competition evades them as their value structure is uniquely individual. They are not good team players, although they won’t do anything to hurt the team. A wide range of interests make them very knowledgeable and creative. They possess great individual style. About forgiving and forgetting, they don’t even understand what there is to be forgiven or forgotten.


happy timeee~ ^^

ok...da seminggu..ak rase ok je..mgkin ak bole lupekn dia.hee~
ak xnk sedih2..nk epi2...buat ape sedih, xgune. sedangkan dia tgh epi mengayat pmpuan99 lain...pilot laaa katekaannnn~ pmpuan mane yg xnk kannn.pulak tu di ayat2...

sooooo...aku akn teruskan hidup dgn tabah.haha..i'll try my best!
harap2 xlame lg bertemu jodoh.haha!aish..jeles betul tgk kawan2 dah kawen..anak2 sedara aku yg sebaya n muda dari aku pon sibuk bertunang dah.bile laaa turn aku pulak niiiiii~

kawin! heee~~ ^^ ♥

nak kawin! nak kawin! nak  kawin!
nak kawin dgn org yg xkenal.sweetnyeee~~   
pas kawin baru becinta. lupekn akim! o yeah!! xsabo! haha...
xpela kawin dgn org yg xknl pn.da name pon jodoh.nanti lame2 aku cintakan la dia..
ak ni sng nk suke dgn org yg selalu ade dgn aku.geheee~

cepat3!!sape cepat dia dapat! wahaha

Jadi Sewel

aku xbole tido lg...ape masalah aku ni.....selalu awal gile aku ngantuk, tido...
kalo hari2 cmni letih la aku nk keje, kene bangun awal sume..haehh..

lagi teruk bile aku pegi petronas, nk isi minyak, pas bayar duit, aku start moto, pastu termenung atas moto selama beberapa minit..bile da nk jalan, baru aku ingat, aku xisi lg minyak dlm moto.haha..gileee~ nsb bek xblah cmtu je.kalo x rugi je.

bile g beli barang kat k mart, masukkan barang atas susunan bakul, pastu amik bakul paling atas, bwk2 terasa berat je..tibe2 ade bende jatuh; bakul! rupenye aku angkut dlm 4 5 bakul yg melekat sekali.kah3! naseb baek la ade bape ketol je org. kalo x mesti kene cop pelik lagi lahhh~

semangat yg agak lemah skrg ni......tgk bantal pun terkejut, tgk pintu terkejut.haha..mmg da xbetol ak ni.sume bende ak tgk ak terkejut..

kene kuat kn semangat ni dayah! xbole terus mcm ni! xpe, lg bape minggu aku akn ok! jiayou!!


malam ni ak xbole tido...mcm2 aku pk...
ak da tau kenapa mamat tu dulu asik ignore ak je kat fb...
rupanye sng utk dia ngorat pmpuan lain, supaya org xtau dia ade awek.
haha!! ingt aku bodoh?
lepas tu kalo dia ngorat awek, dia ckp kat pmpuan lain, pmpuan tu yg thegeh2 kat dia..
padahhaaalll...dia yg thegeh2 mintak nombor, alasan mcm pnh nampak, muah2 la kat pmpn tu...
haehhhh..hormon revenge aku meningkat!
lepas ni, biar aku activate fb, ak pulak buat lelaki mcm tu
biar aku yg ngorat2 laki sane sini...tgk jelah!!bwahahahah!!!biar aku pulak jadi playgirl, jadi penipu!
we'll seeee~
pastu kalo ade laki tah sape2 minang aku, biar aku cepat2 kawen.lepas tu curang!hahahahaha.bestnye!!


baru sekarang aku sedar..sejauh mana dia syg ak sbnrnye..
kalo ak yg skrg sihat walafiat dan xcacat anggota pon dia da buat cmni..

kalo jadi bende xelok kt ak lagiii r....haihhhh

aku akan buktikan yg aku bole lupekan dia!yoshhaa~!

Bahaya Jawatan/Kerjaya Hebat

jgn lah kerana anda berkerjaya hebat, anda fikir anda besar, boleh berbuat ape sahaja.
jgn la kerana anda PM ke, Pilot ke, ape ke, anda pk bole dapat mane2 pempuan je walaupun dia adalah isteri atau awek org..dan suami atau balak pmpuan tu hanya lah keje cikai2 atau skdr belajar cikai, beza dgn anda yg terlalu hebat, walaupun mereka mungkin belum kawin, tp agak2 la kalo nk mengayat pon kan. cube anda letakkan diri anda kat tempat balak pempuan tu..ape anda rase?jgn lah kite jadi org yg hanya pentingkan diri sendiri dan fikir yg best2 je utk diri. ingat, ade yg lg hebat dan besar drp kite.

sekian, sila terasa~

Hangul (tulisan korea)

sekarang aku dah reti membaca tulisan korea.hoyeah!
bace je..tulis kureng still bole ade salah2 ckit kadang2.kalo tau yg romanize punye bole la tulis dgn baik.kalo xtau yg romanize, dengo je org sebut perkataan korea, nk mengeja nye kadang2 betul, kadang2 salah.haha...
tp membaca, ok!!
da reti tulis name sendiri!!

눌히다얗 ===> Nur-hi-da-yah
이미연     ===> Ee-mi-yeon
 (utk Lee, mmg jadi Ee dalam korea, kadang2 dengo diorg sebut lee, kadang2 ee, ejaan tetap ee, mcm lee kwangsoo dgn leeteuk)

tulisan korea ni lain sikit dari konsep tulisan cine.cine dia lebih kpd character...
maksudnye, contoh "wo ai ni", perkataan "wo" tu mmg cmtu je la rupe dia xbole ubah2..kire xde huruf la macam kite..kire mmg kene hafal la rupe 'wo' mcm mane, rupe 'ai' mcm mane, rupe 'ni' mcm mane..

kalo korea pulak, dia ade huruf, tp xbanyak mcm kite..consonant dia xbanyak tp vowel dia banyak dr ade eo, eu, sume tu la..kire kite boleh mengeja la..
cume! tulisan korea, ditulis dalam dalam suku kata, suku kata...dalam 1 petak 1 petak same mcm tulisan cine..haaa, pening x dgn penerangan aku ni?haha~
kire cth la nk eja "saya bongek" dalam bahasa korea, dia ade 4 character iaitu sa-ya-bo-ngek.
kalo kite, jadi 2 perkataan je.

tulisan korea kite cume perlu hafal huruf dan faham penggunaan nye mcm mane..

kalo nk lebih paham, korang belajo la sendiri.wt penat ak je terangkan pjg lebar.haha~
korang nk belajar? belajar kat sini

Good Luck~ Halseuisseo!